John Henry var fornøyd med plasseringen, "men tiden ble så som så" sier han. Det var varmt og tøffe forhold for løperne, noe som forklarer at tidene for de fleste er betydelig svakere enn kvalifieringstidene deres.
"Jeg var litt for langt bak vinneren, men forhåpentlig kommer flere sjanser på denne distansen, som jeg tror passer meg bra" sier han videre. Allerede 16.februar får han en ny mulighet til å prøvve seg på distansen - innendørs på Bislett.
Løpet i Italia var organisert på italiensk vis, dvs. elendig. "Uansett en fin opplevelse og erfaring", avslutter Ren-Eng løperen.
Vår kvinnelige deltager, Rita Nordsveen sto av løpet allerede etter 19 kilometer. Hun fikk ny kjenning med en hofteskade hun har slitt med tidligere - så hun ga seg før det alt for ille.
Nå er det trening fram mot neste ultrasesong som gjelder for begge løperne.
De beste i IAU 50K World Trophy Final:
1 | WAY | STEVEN | M | GBR | 02:53:41 |
2 | MAKAZA | COLLEN | M | ZIM | 02:57:49 |
3 | MARTELLETTI | PAUL | M | NZL | 02:58:18 |
4 | GRAY | JOSEPH | M | USA | 03:09:47 |
5 | BYRNE | JOHN | M | IRL | 03:09:54 |
6 | MITCHINSON | DAVE | M | GBR | 03:10:54 |
7 | MARCUS | SCOTNEY | M | GBR | 03:15:10 |
8 | RANDALL | JULIAN | M | GBR | 03:15:34 |
9 | STRUPSTAD | JOHN HENRY | M | NOR | 03:16:37 |
10 | WALKER | SAM | M | NZL | 03:18:57 |
1 | TARANOWSKI | HELEN | F | GBR | 03:30:43 |
2 | GOODERHAM | EMMA | F | GBR | 03:33:32 |
3 | CIMMARUSTI | BARBARA | F | ITA | 03:38:58 |
4 | MOCHIZUKI | CHIYUKI | F | JPN | 03:42:38 |
5 | ZAKRZEWSKI | JOANNA | F | GBR | 03:47:51 |
Omtale av løpet på IAUs side:
Steven Way and Helen Taranowski the strongest in Italy
(report IAU 50K World Trophy Final)
The “Final of the IAU 50K World Trophy” was run this weekend on the Italian Riviera of Flowers, more especially in Vallecrosia, only 10km away from the French-Italian Border, near Monaco. More than ever we could witness a very exciting race, especially at the end by the men and half way the race by the women.
Due to visa problems we couldn’t welcome defending champion Biwot in this race but with Collen Makaza (ZIM) we had also a former winner of this World Trophy on the start. By the women we could welcome Emma Gooderham as defending champion 2011.
The weather conditions were perfect for the spectators, sunny, starting with a 22°C and going up to a comfortable 26° in the early afternoon and with a strong wind to cool down a little bit. But we wonder if the athletes also could appreciate this “nice” weather…
Collen Makaza didn’t mind and took immediately the lead of the pack, followed by a trio with Joseph Gray (USA), Paul Marteletti (NZL) and Steven Way (GBR). Paul missed nearly this final when he discovered that he had forgotten his passport when coming on the airport… but another flight, the day after, brought him just on time in Italy.
Joanna Zakrzewski, the bronze medal of last year, led the women’s race from the very beginning, followed close by the Japanese Mochizuki and Helen Taranowski (GBR). Emma Gooderham started very carefully in fifth position.
Makaza had very soon a lead of 1’ on the trio just behind him, this situation didn’t change till half way the race.
Another story in the women’s competition where Joana Zakrzewski struggled hard in the 4th lap and was soon caught by, in order, Taranowski, Mochizuki and Gooderham… the leading top three was only about 1’ separated at that moment.
At the same moment Paul Marteletti counterattacked for the first time, Joseph Gray, with stomach problems, couldn’t follow but Steven Way came back… the gap with Collen Makaza was reduced to about 50”… but the Zimbabwean athlete still looked very comfortable and controlling the race. In the meantime, Emma Gooderham caught the Japanese runner while Zakrzewski was passed by an unknown Italian woman, Barbara Cimarusti… two years ago 2h43’/marathon but this year ‘only’ 2h54’…
At 30km another counterattack of Paul Marteletti, and again Steven Way couldn’t follow at the first time but came back… at this time Collen Makaza didn’t look so fresh anymore and began to struggle.. The women’s field didn’t change that much for the leaders… Helen Taranowski was running very strong, followed 2’ further on by Emma Gooderham. However… the Italian runner ran now in third position and was focused to catch the second position.
With 10km to go a third counterattack of Paul Marteletti, now he narrowed the gap to Collen Makaza to only 15”… Steven Way followed 10” further on..
One lap behind, in the women’s race, Taranowski was still leading comfortably but Emma Gooderham was chased by the Italian, following only at 30”… The Japanese runner was more than 2’ behind while Joanna Zakrzewski found back her good legs. Collen Makaza accelerated and started the last lap (6.250km) with exactly 45” ahead of both Way and Marteletti… everybody was convinced that the Zimbabwean athlete had controlled the race very well and that he should win rather easily… but.. this was not the idea of Steven Way.
With an never seen effort he sprinted back to Makaza and caught him 3km before the finish. Marteletti couldn’t follow anymore and was the spectator on the first row … Collen Makaza was so surprised that he couldn’t react …
That’s how the British athlete Steven Way became the winner of the IAU 50K World Trophy Final 2012, finishing in a time of 2h53’41”. Collen Makaza remained second, jogging during the last kilometre he reached the finish line in 2h57’49”, followed by the New Zealander Paul Marteletti in 2h58’18”.
In the women’s race, Helen Taranowski was without any doubt the strongest of the pack and won the race in 3h30’43” before Emma Gooderham 3h33’32” and the surprising Italian Barabara Cimarusti, who suffered with cramps in the last 10K, in 3h38’58”.