Bildet: Det er lett å se at Jin stortrives med ultraløping, og det blir mange løp på den Norgesbosatte kineresen hver år. Dette bildet er fra Rallarvegsløpet 2011 (Foto: Oliver Faul).
Jin Cao, Norges bank, har vært på et nytt ultraløpseventyr. Forrige helg løp han det tyske Schoenbuch Ultra Trail på 100 miles (161 km). Som dere kan lese av løpsberetningen hans - på engelsk nedenfor - var det utfordringer både med å finne fram og løypas beskaffenhet.
Etter ca 70 kilometer hadde løperne i teten bommet så mye at de bestemte seg for å holde følge videre, altså de siste 90 kilometerne i løpet som de bruke nær et døgn på å fullføre.
"Then during Saturday night, the pouring cold rain started. The hills got steeper, and the surface was so muddy that it was hardly possible to stabilize ourselves. The forest was very wild, and the trail was mostly covered by bushes, difficult to detect during the night. The last 60km was therefore almost not runable"
Det låter kanskje grusomt, men det er jo slike opplevelser som virkelig setter seg i hjernebarken og blir der som minner i evig tid.
Jin Cao sendte oss denne beskrivelsen og bildene nedenfor:
The course is 100 miles around Schoenbuch Natural Park – northwestern part of Black Forest, with total altitude gain around 3722m. The Park is rarely visited by hikers, so most of the course was covered by tall grass, thorns, twigs and dead trees and very hard to recognize. The weather was partially cloudy on Saturday, but after a few days heavy rain, inside the forest it was very muddy – which reminds me much of Nordmarka Ultra Challenge.
The course was sparsely marked, and actually it was very challenging to navigate through the dense forest. In the first 50km, I was in the leading group together with two Germans, Juergen Ziegler, Uli Heim, and a Swiss, Marcel Huber. But we were constantly getting lost -- at one time, one of us was leading, but in the next hour he got lost and the other one took the lead... In the end, after km 70 we almost decided to stay together -- not only because we were so close to each other, but also it reduced most of the risks.
Then during Saturday night, the pouring cold rain started. The hills got steeper, and the surface was so muddy that it was hardly possible to stabilize ourselves. The forest was very wild, and the trail was mostly covered by bushes, difficult to detect during the night. The last 60km was therefore almost not runable -- it took us almost 10 hours to fight through, like in the rain forest. In the end, the four of us were the first to arrived at the finish, after 23h 16min long adventure...
After all it was a very nice adventure. The forest in autumn is colorful, and the ground is decorated by varieties of mushrooms. There were aid stations every 20km – the excellent food and helpful people made the race a quite enjoyable experience.
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